

How to improve the petrol cock

On most Ural, the petrol cock has 2 joints, one for each carburator.
Often one of the carbs does not get enough petrol, because his joint is closed with dirt.
Now the engine runs in a strange way:

As far as only little performance is needed, everything works fine, also idle running is perfect,
but acceleration and max. performance are poor.

This can cause damage of the piston or worse.

Improvement is very easy:

All you need are 2 pieces of Y-form tubes. Connect both joints of the cock with one Y-form tube, from there only one petrol tube leads to the next Y-form tube, the two “open” ends are now connected with the carbs.

Now both carbs always get the same amount of petrol.

See picture below, note: gearbox removed for better sight on devices.

Ural ohne Getriebe links engl


Another fine device is the joint shown below: the tube-connection under the tank can be dismanteled without any leakage, the joint has an automatic valve on each side.

HG Kupplung





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